Kiril Domuschiev to Host Secretary Clinton in Bulgaria to Advance Clinton Global Initiative’s Work Supporting Female Entrepreneurs

The special meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative aims to build partnerships on women’s entrepreneurship ahead of CGI’s 2024 Meeting in September.

Kiril Domushiev, Co-Founder of Domuschiev Impact and Advisory Council member of Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), and Secretary Hillary Clinton will host a momentous event centered around investing in female entrepreneurs. This exclusive gathering will bring together leaders from the public and private sectors to identify ways to support women’s advancement globally. The event aims to underscore the significance of supporting women in business and leveraging their potential as catalysts for economic growth and empowerment. 

Aptly titled “Breaking Barriers: Investing in Women Entrepreneurs,” the event brings together global leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and advocates for women’s rights and economic development. Secretary Clinton’s participation adds a significant dimension to the event, with her unparalleled insights and experience in advocating for women’s empowerment on a global scale. 

Secretary Clinton first visited Bulgaria more than 25 years ago, in October 1998, when she was First Lady. On the trip, she opened the Women in the 21st Century Conference in Sofia, lifting up women’s voices in Bulgaria and across Southeast Europe to advocate for equal rights and full participation. A staunch supporter of Bulgaria, as a U.S. Senator, she was a leading supporter of Bulgaria’s efforts to join NATO, voting in 2003 to approve Bulgaria’s entry into the alliance. 

The meeting in Sofia is part of CGI’s “Road to September” — year-round convenings to establish new partnerships and identify ways to take action, leading up to the CGI 2024 Meeting in New York City on September 23-24. 

“We are honored to welcome Secretary Hillary Clinton to Sofia for this landmark event,” said Kiril Domuschiev, co-founder of Domuschiev Impact. “Her leadership and advocacy have been instrumental in advancing the cause of women’s empowerment worldwide. We look forward to leveraging her insights to chart a course toward a more equitable and prosperous future.”